Speakers to focus on Justice-Involved Veterans at the Veterans Research Town Hall

Originally published August 31, 2022.

Coming Soon! The ‘Veterans Research Town Hall’ from the VA’s Veterans Community Advisory Board (VCAB) is a hybrid in-person (3rd Floor Multipurpose Room -Crescenz VA Medical Center) and online event (Register Now!)presented in collaboration with the Philadelphia Research and Education Foundation (PREF).

Be a part of this event designed by Veterans for Veterans, September 8th, 2022, 10am to 12pm EDT

Register now!

This year, the Veterans Research Town Hall features not only an opportunity to ask questions about VA Research, but also presents a slate of speakers focusing on the ‘Justice-involved Veteran.’ These are Veterans who find themselves subject to law enforcement and subsequent judicial ramifications. The VA has established the Veterans Justice Outreach (VJO) Program and related services to assist eligible Veterans with navigating the justice system. Because many Veterans as well as law enforcement officials are not aware of the services provided to Veterans, many do not receive the benefits this program provides.

On September 8, 2022 from 10 a.m. to 12 p.m. EDT,  VA’s Center for Health Equity Research and Promotion (CHERP) and its Veterans Community Advisory Board (VCAB), in partnership with the Philadelphia Research and Education Foundation (PREF), will host this years’ Veterans Research Town Hall to provide vital information about Justice-Involved Veterans (JIVs) as well as the importance of VA Research for this community.

Our diverse slate of speakers will explain the VJO, who is eligible for their services, how to facilitate entry into a VJO program, the benefits of Veterans’ Treatment Court and the importance of “self-identifying” as a Veteran when encountering law enforcement.

Admiral Karen Flaherty-Oxler (CMCVAMC MCD), a retired Rear Admiral with extensive executive experience in medicine, and currently the Medical Center Director of the Corporal Michael J. Crescenz VA Medical Center will provide opening remarks. She will discuss the difference between Equity and Equality, explain CHERP’s Primary Care Health Equity Dashboard, and how this tool promotes equity within the CMCVAMC.

Dena Dandridge, a Licensed Clinical Social Worker who worked in the Family Court system with juvenile males for many years prior to becoming a staff member at Crescenz VA Medical Center (CMCVAMC), will provide a history of the Veterans Justice Outreach program, what services are available, and how Veterans can access those services. Ms. Dandridge also assists Veterans who are involved in the Justice System to obtain inpatient as well outpatient medical, behavioral health, and substance treatment at the VA

Danielle Lespinasse, PhD (CMCVAMC Mental Health), a clinical psychologist in the Behavioral Health Lab (PCMHI) at the CMCVAMC is Chair of the Diversity & Inclusion Executive Committee and co-lead of the Behavioral Health Diversity Team at the CMCVAMC. Dr. Lespinasse will discuss her DEI Committee and its work to improve the diversity of clinical providers available to the justice-involved community. She will also explain the barriers present to recruiting diverse providers and ways to overcome them, and how Mental Health care is pivotal for Justice-Involved Veterans.

Donald Adkins, a Philadelphia Veterans Court Peer Mentor and Army Veteran, will describe the role and reach of court peer mentors, access to a mentor and their services, the typical Veteran served by a mentor, what he feels is his contribution to the program. Mr. Adkins will also discuss what he wishes Veterans would ask when they are working with him, and instructions for JIVs on how to identify themselves when encountering law enforcement.

Jason Flake, PhD is a JIV Researcher and HSR&D DEI Fellow at VA North Texas Health Care in Dallas, TX. Dr. Flake is also an Air Force Veteran with over 20 years of combined military and civilian law enforcement experience. He has studied Veteran identity in court programs in Veterans Treatment Courts across the nation. He will discuss his career transition from the military to funded VA researcher, expound upon the importance of research for JIV equity, and overview his current projects examining JIV needs and outcomes from the VA Perspective.

Our Keynote, Honorable Judge Patrick Dugan, Presiding Judge of Phila Veterans Court and a Marine Corp Veteran who was elected by his peers as President Judge of the Philadelphia Municipal Court in 2019, will discuss his military background and how he become a judge. He  will also highlight the importance of Veterans Court, the imperative that Veterans identify themselves to law enforcement and to court officials, how Veterans’ Court differs from other courts, benefits of the program, and issues that the Court oversees. 

Who we are

The Veterans Community Advisory Board, in partnership with PREF and the Crescenz VA Medical Center in Philadelphia, look forward to welcoming you to the Veterans Research Town Hall: Justice-Involved Veterans, on September 8, 2022, 10 a.m. to 12 p.m. EDT. The VCAB is made up of Veterans, like you, working hard to promote holistic Veteran healthcare and services through VA Research. This hybrid event, in person at the Crescenz VA Multipurpose Room—3rd Floor, and online via WebEx, will provide an opportunity for Veterans to ask questions that are important to them and to learn more about the vital research that benefits our Veteran community.

Register now!

In-person attendance is limited. If you would like to attend in person, please RSVP by email CHERPVCAB@gmail.com.


Research at the Veterans Research Town Hall


Bring Your Questions about Justice-Involved Veterans to the Veterans Research Town Hall